God works in such amazing ways! Over and over these last couple weeks God has orchestrated our trip above what we could have planned. Each day has been a blessing as we continue to meet new people and experience new things! There are now two volunteers staying who are from Oberlin College in Ohio. One of them lived on the same floor as my cousin Bill Townsend. Just goes to show you what a small world we really live in!
Last week after we returned to Hekima we had the opportunity to be out in the community a little bit as well. The first day we spent doing some manual labor in the Shamba (garden). They have this way of cutting weeds and grass that they call "slashing". It basically consists of a very long machette that is bent at the bottom which you swing back and forth to manually cut the grass. Pete (one of the new volunteers) and I slashed from morning until lunch. It was actually quite fun! Although, I imagine that if I had to do it every day the novelty might wear off. Leah and the other volunteer were pulling the weeds manually where we were not able to slash! It was nice to get down and dirty with a little sunshine!
Another day during the week Leah and I had our first public transportation experience! We were headed into Nairobi to meet up with Robyn for a HIV Clinic. To hire a cab would have been 30 dollars as opposed to the 5 dollars it costed to take a car, a matatu and a bus! For all of you who are reading this thinking we are crazy, we had our Kenyan university student with us to make sure we got on the correct vehicles! She kindly escorted us to safety. The first car we got in had 3 goats in the back seat accompanying the 6 people. On the way home there were 10 people in the car, but no goats. They know how to use their space wisely!
The clinic itself was amazing. We were located in one of the slums of Kenya and they were educating the children on their diseases and also giving immunizations. Leah was able to be in the room observing the short check-ups while I kept the kids outside occupied playing hand games and marbles. If anyone ever doubts that God has a sense of humor, let me assure you that he does. There is a couple named the Bells who run an infant rescue center here in Kenya. The day before the Clinic we randomly met them at the local 'mall' where we were having lunch. We spoke for a few minutes and then basically expected to never see them again. Little did we know that they are good friends with Robyn and they happened to be at this clinic as well. And one step further they are from Anderson Indiana which is very close to Indiana Wesleyan. They came to Africa and felt God calling them to start an infant rescue center which is currently running out of their home. They have 2 adult children back in the states and are in the process of adopting 2 Kenyan children right now while they also have 8 infants living with them at home. As a treat for all of the children at the clinic, Robyn, the Bells, Leah and I took the kids out for pizza. So we had a few hours to get to know the Bells and the kids who were at the clinic. It was amazing how polite and thankful these kids were. The second Robyn got out of the car they mobbed her with hugs and hellos. Leah and I are hoping to maybe find time to spend a day or two at the infant rescue center. I just can't resist going to a place filled with adorable bundles of joy!
Currently Leah and I are at Tenwek hospital! Getting here alone was a God thing because we both had it in our head that we were leaving Monday afternoon, only to recieve a phone call at 2pm on Sunday "checking up" to make sure we were still on for meeting at 4. Keep in mind that we were an hour from where we were meeting these people and dont have a car! So after a few frantic phone calls to our taxi man Sam we jumped in the car and rushed to meet them. We arrived at approximately 3:58pm with enough time to buy a coffee for the road! God is SO good. We drove with two missionary doctors and one kenyan language teacher. It was such a blessing to be in the car with fellow believers as they made us feel right at home and the joy of Christ was so evident in each of them. The one Doctor reminded me pretty heavily of this one really great guy I know in Zanesville whom I like to call Dad. :) He had the same ornry humor which made me feel even more at home!
We arrived at Tenwek in the evening and Dr. Row walked us down to where we were staying which is right across from where my family stayed when we were here. Every little thing got me excited! Seeing the yellow tenwek sign, seeing our old apartment; even things like the trees that I remembered. Even the man who sells Kisi stone is in the same spot and is the same man who was here ten years ago! I spoke with him today and he claims to remember our family (although I have my doubts), but Barb confirmed that it is the same man! We are staying right next door to Barb Pinkley who has been amazing to us. We have been eating all of our meals with her and are envious of her cooking skills. I feel a little spoiled to be honest! She arranged for Leah to shadow some orthopedic doctors and Leah has basically had the schedule of a med student since we have been here! She has been able to see multiple surgeries and even got to scrub in for one yesterday! I can't share all the details as well as she could, but she is simply GLOWING. I'm not sure if surgery is what she hopes to do, but I do know that she is loving every minute of seeing first hand the power that God gives to those here. She was able to meet a man who came to know Christ right before his surgery and has been so amazed by the freedom Tenwek doctors have to share Christ with every patient they have. The time, the care and the prayer that the workers here put in is amazing!
On Tuesday, both Leah and I went out with community health! We got up and had tea with all of the Kenyans who work in the health center (which looks exactly as I remember it from sitting with Jonny counting pills day in and day out!) and then we crammed into the back of a truck and were off on our journey. We were accompanied by 3 nursing students and 2 doctors and we were holding a clinic for mothers and their babies. Leah and I were put in charge of weighing the babies, which basically meant that we got to hold every single baby as they went in the door. I wished so much that I spoke swahili because there was so much to be said to the mothers who smiled at us and shared their children with us. They were all so sweet and thankful for the clinic. None of the babies wore diapers and they were all wrapped up in 5 or 6 layers of clothing with hats and winter coats. They were all SO precious. I could have stayed there all day.
We leave Tenwek tomorrow, which is too soon. However, we are excited to be back to Hekima and see the girls. We both are feeling so blessed by all of our experiences. There are times where I feel that I am getting so much more than I am giving, which is a humbling thing. I want so badly to be helpful and make a difference in whatever way possible, yet over and over I am being blessed by the people and experiences I have more than I could imagine. We have 2 1/2 weeks left in Kenya and we are both torn between the excitement of going home and the desire to spend more time here. Your prayers have been evident to us. Apart from some allergies and the occassional upset stomach our health has been amazing. Even on the days where we don't get much sleep we somehow have energy to get through the days. God has provided us safety in transportation, and blessed the relationships we have made.
This past week has been an emotional rollarcoaster as Leah and I both reflect on everything. There is so much that needs to be done, and so little that we can get done in the short time we are here. I often find myself struggling with the insecurity of not being able to do enough. Pray for us in these next 2 weeks that we will both continue to have servents hearts in everything that we do and that we will know Gods plan for us. 'The Joy of the Lord is our Strength."
Thank you for your prayers! We are both excited to come home and share what God is doing!
God Bless
Lizzy (and Leah)
Hi guys! It was such a joy to read your newest update- the memories come flooding in. I remember the tool you were using- I also remember a number of toe amputations from said tool! My heart is overflowing with joy when I hear of all that you are doing. It will never seem like enough, and yet Jesus knows just what is needed and He provides. I am so excited that you returned to Tenwek. I miss our time there more than you can know. I am so proud of you! If Jesus were here on earth today, He would be at the orphanages, the HIV clinics, the rural Kenyan hospitals, and He would be loving every person He met- wanting them all to receive tender care, healing, and most of all eternal life! You know though- He really is there right now- for the Spirit of God is within you and is ministering in all these ways through you! God bless you and keep you in your last few weeks there. I love you!! In Christ alone, DAD
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing account of your experiences and ministry in Kenya! I just read it aloud to Lauren, Harley, Andrew and Jana. We all enjoyed it very much and got a good laugh about riding with goats in the back seat! We are preparing for a Zanesville reception for Andrew and Jana tomorrow, so we're all working in the kitchen right now! We're praying for you! Blessings, The Hannas