Sunday, May 6, 2012

Let the Games Begin!

       This blog is where Leah and I will update all of our friends and family as we go through the adventures to come in the next 9 weeks of the summer! We will have limited internet access when we get to Kenya and have decided that it will be easiest to only update at one online location! We will be sure to link the updates to our Facebook pages or you can choose to subscribe to the blog page itself!
       Our trip is One week away AND COUNTING. Leah is leaving in the morning for a wedding in New York and will be flying to meet me in Detroit straight from there! As we sit states away from each other, skyping as Leah packs up her bags, our excitement is growing! Although we are bound to forget SOMETHING, we feel fairly confident in our extreme packing skills! :)
      As we prepare for our trip we ask that you pray for our hearts to focus on God's will and desire for this trip! We want to make sure that each day is spent giving Him glory! We also pray that the hearts of each and every person we meet will be opened before we ever get there. We are both officially in FULL swing. Leah especially as she is leaving "home" tomorrow morning! Please pray for her travels as they begin, and good health for the both of us.

Thank you for your Prayers,

Lizzy and Leah

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