Friday, May 25, 2012

Update 2 :)

(A Hike through the Great Rift Valley)

As I sit writing this update, I want to start by thanking all of the people who wrote letters for Leah and I to take with us. We have been spreading the letters out, reading them throughout the weeks as little inserts of encouragement . One in particular was so clearly a gift from God to me. 

Tonight, I spoke with one of the house mums for a while about the great gift this home is to the girls. We talked about our lives and about our countries, and for the first time since I've been here, my heart truly broke deeply for a specific other: For this woman who serves next to me each day, for this country, and for these children. I caught a personal glimpse of the heartache of one woman. Someone just like me. I began to feel that I couldn't do enough. To think of all the ways I could sacrifice the excess in my life to help someone else: how small changes in my own little world could be life changing for this woman. The anxious feeling of helplessness overwhelmed me and my heart literally became tight. Leah and I were talking through our experiences of the day and both pleading to God that we can be his hands and feet. Our desire to be used by Him has been ignited and is burning stronger than before.  I was still anxious, and feeling less than capable when the conversation came to an end and I began to settle down by opening a letter from an anonymous writer. The card literally brought me to immediate tears. I pulled out a note card that had a big sticker that said "Anxiety,"  reading "cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you." Crying lead to laughing and audibly praising God for his goodness. I believe the exact words choked through my tears were "Leah! God is so cool! Its not even fair!"  While rather ineloquent as those words may have been, it was all I could say, and exactly what I meant.

This past week has been a fairly calm one, but wonderful each day nonetheless. The week began on Sunday with church here at the home. Most Sundays the girls split up and go to different churches in the area. This coming Sunday we will go to an Episcopal church right down the road! We have been told that it is QUITE loud and that we should be prepared for shouting! It will be interesting for sure to see the difference in celebration. We also hope to stay for a Swahili service  at least once while we are here!  After church on Sunday we were informed that all of the girls go on a hike down the Great Rift Valley anytime it is dry on a Sunday! (Keep in mind that this would have been the day after our 3 hour hike through the Ng'ong Hills and we were barely walking on flat ground.) Despite our aching legs we went with the kids down one side of the steep valley, up the other, and back again! It was beautiful and great to be out with the girls! It still catches me by surprise when we ride the bus to school each morning driving right along the beautiful Rift Valley, or in the morning when I walk out the door and see the Ng'ong Hills. God's creativity when creating this world astounds me. I can only imagine what the Garden of Eden must have looked like, and I am certain that my imagination doesn't do it justice.

At school this week I have been in class 4 each day. The teacher for class 4 left for another job last Friday and so for 2 or more periods a day they have no teacher. So instead we have had improv music lessons, vocabulary lessons and a few English lessons that I was able to teach from the book that the Principal (or head teacher) gave to me. They all know I am studying to be a teacher and jump at any opportunity for me to teach a lesson or grade papers. I am thoroughly enjoying it! I do find myself wishing at times that I had some of my resources at home so that I could go to the class prepared to truly teach a lesson, but other than the English book, I am left with a piece of chalk, a board, and my own imagination! I find that my cleverness and creativity of what I can do with these two things comes and goes at its own will. I will have to find a way to control that inconsistency sometime in the next two years before I begin teaching on a full time basis! However, when worse comes to worse, we play hand games! Next week I will be moving to a younger class: either first or second.

(Hand Games in Class 4)

When the girls have a birthday it is HIGHLY celebrated here. Kate and the mums take great care to make each girl feel like an important individual, and not just a member of a group. There are speeches, gifts given, songs sung, and of course CAKE! They turn on music and dance and sing, enjoying themselves and celebrating the life that has been given to them. The little girl who celebrated her birthday today has been here for six years, and has found home.

 (Fun with the Girls)

This weekend and coming week there are some fun excursions that we will be taking. So our next update may very well be filled with tales of the fun we will have seeing the sights of Africa with our friend Maddy (the other American who is here volunteering) and some of the girls (who are doing well in school and get to join our trips as a reward!) Thank you all again for your prayers and support. Our health is good, our hearts are at rest, and God is continuing to work each day through little moments spent investing in the lives of the children and adults. Some of my most meaningful/challenging moments and conversations have been with the adults I have encountered, yet the laughter and joy that comes from each child brings chills to me in a different, yet powerful way. There is no doubt that God is working in the hearts of Leah and I just as much as we are hoping to impact the lives of each person we meet here.  Please to continue praying for good health and also for safety in travel as we have the opportunity to leave Hekima this coming week for a few trips. We are so thankful for each and every one of you.

To all my family, I find myself wanting to reminisce about past experiences with you on a daily basis as memories flood back from our previous trips. I know that those first memories are ones that will forever be in my mind. I love you all and wish that I could share many of these experiences with you as well! Stephen, Layla, Tim, Jenna, Emily, Jonny, Mom, and Dad you should start preparing now for me to talk your ear off the next time we are together!

God Bless,

Lizzy (and Leah)


  1. What a blessing to read your letter! I know that God is doing a great work in your life, and we are so thrilled to hear of your experiences teaching. The Lord has gifted you in that area, and I'm sure the kids are loving it! I'll bet you are learning a great deal- we have so much respect for the Kenyan teachers and students- some of the best in the world! (That is not an exaggeration. When we visited the school at Tenwek, we were privileged to attend an assembly highlighting song and prose- a presentation of such excellence it gave us goose bumps! All without notes, or video, or instruments- just the wonder of the children and their hard work. I can't wait to hear more of your stories, Elizabeth! May God continue to bless you and keep you and use you for His purpose, for His glory, and for the children. I know you probably already love them dearly. Please let me know if there are any needs that Storyteller can help with. Love, Dad

  2. Stories over Kenyan chai sounds wonderful. Looking forward to it :p

  3. I'm realizing just now that you are still on my texting list and I'm not sure if you are able to get those texts. I can keep them coming or stop them depending on what you want. I hope they are encouraging you if you ARE getting them. I MISS you! I want to hear all about it when you get back. All your stories of games and teaching remind me soooo much of my 8 weeks in Belize with the Machaca Kids. It was a wonderful experience that chnaged my life forever....still praying!
